Damian Archer
Outer Cape Health Services
Dr. Damian Archer is a board certified Family Medicine physician. He is a Bahamian national and previous Bahamas National Merit Scholar. He completed his undergraduate degree at The University of Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada with a B.Sc. Chemistry (Dist.) in 2001 and was a successful MBBS (MD) and B. Med Sci (Hons) candidate at the University of the West Indies, Bahamas Clinical Campus in June of 2006.
After completing his medical internship and Senior House Office duties with the Department of Anaesthesia at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Nassau, Bahamas, he transitioned to the St. Luke’s Family Practice Residency Program at Aurora St. Luke’s Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in July of 2008. He completed his residency as chief resident in July of 2011 and later that year started independent family practice with North Shore Community Health at the Peabody site in October of 2011.
He currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer for Outer Cape Health Services. Dr. Archer’s wider interests in medicine include medical education and he collaborates with Tufts University School of Medicine and Boston University School of Medicine as a clinical instructor.